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Navigating Generational Diversity in Healthcare and Beyond – Healthcare Experience Matters Podcast

June 16, 2022

Lorraine Parker-Clegg joins the our Healthcare Experience Foundation (HXF) partners for their Healthcare Experience Matters Podcast this week for a truly inspiring chat about navigating generational diversity.

Lorraine touches on the challenges and benefits of a multigenerational workforce when it comes to working in healthcare and other industries. She also brings the discussion back to its impact on the patient experience.

Lorraine has deep expertise in engaging the multigenerational workforce. She has an extensive healthcare and human resources background.

“Ultimately, every facet of the world that we’re living in from a human resources standpoint is impacted by this,” Lorraine said.

Lorraine joined her current company, Allison Transmission, as Chief People Officer in Human Resources in October 2020. She has spent much of her career working in Talent Acquisition and Human Resources throughout the United State and Europe.

She posses a wealth of information on the many intricacies involved when people of many different generations come together to achieve a likeminded goal.

“When we think about diversity in its broadest sense, it’s all about having a wide variety of perspectives,” she said.

Many important topics covered on today’s episode include:

  • Being inclusive
  • Representing the perspectives of those that we serve
  • Communication between different generations
  • The importance of co-existence

Today’s chat is focused on generational diversity in the healthcare sector, but the key takeaways from this podcast interview are applicable to a wide variety of industries. Listen to the podcast below: