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Evolving Differently: The Next Generation of Measuring Patient Experience

March 12, 2019

One of the things I am most proud about at PRC is our devotion to creating Patient Loyalty, so it was refreshing to our team to see the latest Health Affairs article, “The Next Generation of Measuring Patient Experience.” In our 40-year history, we have constantly evolved to ensure our methodologies, surveys, and reporting keep pace with the growing expectations we have as both people seeking healthcare, and those equipping healthcare leaders, staff, and physicians with meaningful intelligence to drive patient loyalty.
The article so beautifully points out some important trends:

• Development in technology and the need to expand into digital surveys

• The diversity of staff that interact with patients during a hospitalization

• Declining response rates (learn more about our solution!)

• Factors beyond HCAHPS that matter to patients

• New mediums of capturing patient feedback

We whole-heartedly agree that the patient experience is too important to not continually challenge our measurement systems. To thrive, we must look at healthcare differently and allow ourselves to constantly evolve. In our experience, factors such as the patient’s perception of safety, teamwork among caregivers, staff courtesy, and understanding are among the most influential drivers of patient loyalty. Additionally, our research shows when patient’s can rate their care as Excellent, they are four times more likely to recommend the hospital.

The Power of Excellence
In today’s world of crowd sourcing recommendations, Yelp and social media partnering to find solutions to grow loyalty is more important now than ever before. Leaders, staff, and physicians deserve the best feedback from the voices of their patients and we stand ready and eager to help our industry make the next leap.

We applaud HCAHPS (Hospital Consumer Assessment for Healthcare Providers and Systems) and the complementary CAHPS Surveys for elevating our focus and look forward to the journey ahead.