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Tell Me a Story

“Storytime.” It means eager young children fidgeting on a colorful carpet, gathered around a picture book while a patient adult reads aloud.

Multiple healthcare employees sitting at a table with two employees using a laptop


A rapid improvement resource from PRC’s Excellence Accelerator® about teamwork in the workplace.

Doctor going through paperwork with a patient while sitting at a table

Explaining the Odds

When a family member was diagnosed with Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) following a difficult heart surgery, the Pulmonologist laid down the diagnosis with a bleak, “Most people in your scenario die from this.”

Healthcare consultant speaking with a group of key informants to collaborate on improving their community’s health

Keys to Creating an Engaged Nurse Culture

If you’re facing nurse burnout, don’t put a Band-Aid over a broken leg. Learn how to get to the root of the issues your nurses face and overcome them together, making your hospital a better place for everyone.