Mark your calendar for the 2024 Healthcare Experience Summit | September 25, 2024

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CHNA Minute: Community Engagement

It can be hard to get communities to be interested in hard numbers and data, but we have found that communities are exponentially more engaged when they can relate to the respondents.

Doctor speaking to a group of other doctors and nurses at a table

Service Excellence Coach

Service Excellence Coaches must exhibit the qualities, characteristics, and values espoused by the organization.

Healthcare consultant speaking to a group of staff members and physicians

Environmental Services

A rapid improvement resource from PRC’s Excellence Accelerator® for the workplace environment.

Trends & Implications with Nursing Engagement

Through diligent research, Dr. King and Leigh Ann Bradley dispelled nursing myths and found trends in generations focusing on engagement. In this study, they detail the findings, discuss tactics, and offer strategies for your organization to improve nursing engagement.