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Friendly black businesswoman supervisor working with her team in call center

Reaching Target Completions

How many records does PRC pull in the random sample to complete the week’s target number of interviews?

What Physicians Want

If you find yourself more easily knowing what men or women want out of life and love than understanding what physicians want out of a hospital, it’s possible you and your physicians are worlds apart.

What’s new for HCAHPS in 2019?

Each year, PRC participates in the Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (HCAHPS) survey vendor training to stay up to date on CAHPS happenings. So what did we find out this year?

Doctor smiles as she takes the blood pressure of a patient

Goal Setting

Goal Setting has the power and potential to create measurable improvements in their care, create organizational alignment for change, and establish accountability.

Charts with patient experience data standing up from tablet

Evolving Differently: The Next Generation of Measu...

One of the things I am most proud about at PRC is our devotion to creating Patient Loyalty, so it was refreshing to our team to see the latest Health Affairs article, “The Next Generation of Measuring Patient Experience.”